Today's Top Odd News Story

Punxsutawney Phil's babies are named Shadow and Sunny. Just don't call them the heirs apparent

Punxsutawney Phil’s offspring have names that just might help the famed weather-forecasting groundhog to predict when spring will begin More »


More Top Odd Stories

A US museum curator was detained in Turkey on claims of spider smuggling. He says he has permits

Turkish media say a curator at the American Museum of Natural History has been detained in Istanbul while allegedly attempting to smuggle spider and scorpion samples More »


Fine dining, at a new high. A Michelin-starred chef will take his cuisine to our upper atmosphere

A Danish Michelin-starred chef has teamed up with the Florida-based startup Space Perspective to take fine-dining to our upper atmosphere in late 2025 More »


Woman was living inside rooftop grocery store sign with computer and coffee maker for a year

Police in Michigan say a startling discovery was made on the roof of a Michigan grocery store: A woman was living inside the store sign for roughly a year More »


Federal agency says a second, if weaker, solar storm surge is likely Sunday

A U.S. government agency said a weaker repeat of Saturday's powerful solar storm is likely on Sunday More »


Most of 15 million bees contained after bee-laden truck crashes

Officials say a tractor-trailer hauling about 15 million bees to be used to pollinate blueberry fields crashed and overturned on Interstate 95 in Maine More »


Rope team rappels down into a rock quarry to rescue a mutt named Rippy

It was the barking that saved Rippy, a mutt that fell deep into a working rock quarry More »


Colorado woman tried to steal a pickup, but couldn't handle the stick shift, police said

Police say a stick shift thwarted a Colorado woman who tried to steal a pickup truck — shortly after she was released from jail on a car-theft charge More »


Bread loaves recalled in Japan after 'rat remains' were found

Loaves of bread have been taken off store shelves in Japan after the remains of “a small animal” believed to be a rat were found More »


Scientists are learning the basic building blocks of sperm whale language after years of effort

Scientists studying the sperm whales that live around the Caribbean island of Dominica have described for the first time the basic elements of how they might be talking to each other, in an effort that could one day help better protect them More »


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